Saturday, March 30, 2013

Quick Update!

Hi all!

Just so you all didn't think I have abandoned this project already, I sure haven't!  I have been putting my checklists/questions to work!

Scott and I have been trying to narrow down venue choices and touring venues, so there hasn't been a ton of time for blogging (plus, I have been a little under the weather and thanks to Comcast's Watchathon Week, I got alllll caught up on Downton Abbey).

So has Pinterest been helping?  Yes!  I have been finding a lot of venues pretty much answer all of the questions I previously pinned, but it's nice to still have the questions for back up.  Now, a lot of people do recommend to lay-off Pinterest because of the somewhat unrealistic expectations we all have for weddings now thanks to it, but in this case, it's been helpful.  I like the fact for the venue searches, I can see pictures of various CO venues (plus I can check out some CO photographers at the same time), and it has lead to me finding out other helpful information.  Like what you may ask?  Well, I found out that Colorado Tourism at will actually help you find a venue for free!!!  While this is awesome, it's also a little overwhelming.  I filled out an RFP for them (which included questions about what areas you're looking at, budget, size of the event, etc) and they send it out on your behalf.  Venues then email you directly back with information.  So I clearly stated our budget, but I'm getting LOTS of emails from places we could never afford (I'm looking at you pretty much every hotel in Denver).  I actually laughed out loud when I saw some of these prices per person.  But I digress...

Thanks to finding all of these various links through Pinterest, I have come up with good searching methods.  It does get tiring telling people you don't have an exact date yet, but it has helped with looking for a venue because we aren't constricted.

Oh, helpful hint for you all.  I thought I had a really good handle of things to keep in mind, but apparently not.    When trying to pick a venue and set a date, don't forget to look up when festivals and parades take place.  You could very easily run into issues of not getting a venue because streets will be blocked off, it may be too loud near your venue, hotel prices could be higher, other vendors may not be available, and the list goes on.

Well friends, if you have any other advice or anything to add in, let me know!


Monday, March 18, 2013

Checklists, Questions to Ask, & Other Things that Make you Want to go Nutty Part 2

Hi again,

So as I mentioned in Checklists, Questions to Ask, & Other Things that Make you Want to go Nutty Part 1, we are checking out venues starting on the 18th.  Since I have read through and started all of the things to do when you get engaged, I figured I better start figuring out what the heck to ask these people!  There is so much to consider like can I pick my own caterer, do we need to follow a preferred vendor list, can we bring in our own alcohol, do we need extra insurance, how long do we REALLY have in the venue, can we also use this for our ceremony, etc etc etc.  But never fear, Pinterest is here with things you should ask!  Considering I saw so much overlap with the first set of things, I thought it would be a good idea to start with one list, transfer it into Microsoft Word or Google Drive, and then add on from there.   I'm going to make a sheet for each venue and then will start to transfer items into a spreadsheet to compare and contrast.  I'm out to save money and have a kick ass time!

Here is my full list of questions (well, at least for Venue visit 1).  The first two venues we're visiting will require an outside caterer, so that's why there aren't too many catering questions listed here.

General Questions to ask-

  1. How many events do you host a day?
  2. Is there a day-of coordinator?
  3. What’s the maximum number of guests you can accommodate? And comfortable accommodate? Is there a minimum?
  4. What are the rates? Are there discounts for week day or brunch events, for example?
  5. What’s the site fee? And what does that include? (don’t forget to ask about tax, service charge, and misc fees) Are there any hidden costs?  Are there any additional costs-cleaning fees, insurance-fee waivers, etc.?
  6. Is there a payment schedule? What kind of deposits are required?
  7. Does anything we've seen today cost extra?
  8. What's the cancellation policy?
  9. What are the overtime charges?
  10. Is there a space for me to get ready? Where do the bride and groom get ready? Be sure to check out lighting, for example, in the bride's suite (for makeup!).
  11. Can we bring in our own alcohol?  Do they have a liquor license?
  12. Are there preferred vendors or people we have to use?  Anyone you recommend we use?
  13. Will we need to bring in sound equipment? If it is here, does it cost extra to use? Do we need to bring in a dance floor? How big is the dance floor? Is there space for a band or DJ? If band, how many people?
  14. Are there any areas we won’t have access to?
  15. Will our guests have to pay to park? Is there parking?  Where can your guests park? What are the parking options? Do you have valet? Do my guests have to pay for parking or valet services? Can we have transportation (like a shuttle) drop people off?
  16. Are the facility and bathrooms handicapped accessible? How many bathrooms are there? Where are they located? Will they be shared with other event-goers at this venue? You should be sure to check them out.
  17. How many hours do you allow a party to be here?  How many hours do we have the space in total? And before the event (for decorating)?  A time by which we have to be out?
  18. Is there a noise ordinance we should be aware of?
  19. Are we allowed to bring in decorations? How about candles or open flames? Are there limitations on decorations? Can we hang things. walls, ceiling?
  20. Any restrictions regarding food - for example - can you prepare food at the location, or does it need to be brought in? Any restrictions such as no red wine? Do they limit food and drinks to only certain areas of the wedding venue?
  21. Where will you take photographs? Are there restrictions for the photographer? Where do couples typically take photographs? Do you have photos of other weddings here?
  22. Who will be supervising and troubleshooting before the day of your wedding? Who will be supervising and troubleshooting on the day of your wedding? Can you meet them now?
  23. How long does it typically take for the staff to change over the room?
  24. If the venue is a hotel: What room rate can you offer our guests? And how many rooms can you guarantee us at that rate?
  25. Can I have the ceremony here, also? If so, what are the options? Be sure to ask about indoor and outdoor options and contingency plans in case of rain.
  26. Are there separate spaces for the cocktail hour and for dinner?
  27. What is the square footage of the venue? Be sure to be clear about which rooms are included in that. Also ask where the bar, tables and dance floor are usually located. You may also want to ask about buffet table and head table set up.
  28. How many weddings have you hosted?
  29. Do you have our preferred dates available? Is anyone else looking at those dates? How early do you typically book up?
  30. What is the guest-to-staff ratio? What does the staff wear, and is there any flexibility in that?
  31. What kind of lighting is standard? What are the lighting options?
  32. Who sets up for the wedding, and is there an on-site coordinator included in the cost of the venue rental?
  33. Will other events be going on at the same time? Or on the same day?
  34. Do you do the catering yourselves or do you use outside suppliers?
  35. Can we bring in our own suppliers?
  36. Can we tailor the menu to suit our own needs?
  37. How do you deal with dietary requirements?
  38. Do you offer drinks packages and what is included?
  39. Can we provide our own wine and champagne and will you charge corkage?
  40. Can we schedule a menu tasting?
  41. Will you cut up and serve our wedding cake?
  42. Do you have deals with local hotels for wedding guests?

Here are the various pins/links I used to compile this list-

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Suggestions Please!

Hi all!

Before I get to Part 2 of the previous post, I'd love some suggestions!

I know Pinterest is definitely helpful, as well as Facebook and Google, to find potential venues and vendors, but I would LOVE some feedback and ideas.

I am thinking budget is going to be $10,000-$15,000 for about 150 people (early guest list has more than this, but I'm sure not everyone will show) in the Denver area.

I'd love tips on venues, rental places, photographers, day of coordinators, catering, flowers, cake/cupcakes, and paper (invites, programs).  Also any places you have used for ordering items for centerpieces, any crafting, or really anything else!

Sometimes it all gets overwhelming and I feel like I keep checking the same few places over and over.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Checklists, Questions to Ask, & Other Things that Make you Want to go Nutty Part 1

Hi all!

I have to say, I really appreciate the fact that 1) a lot of my friends have already gotten married so I have learned a bunch from their weddings and 2) that I've already gotten a ton of great advice from them.

Some of this advice includes-

  • Have fun and enjoy the planning process
  • This is your day, don't worry about anyone else and what they think (well, except for your fiance)
  • Don't try to do everything alone

On a more wedding reception related note-

  • Have an idea of when you want to get married, not a specific date so you will have more choices when looking at venues
  • Find out what each venue allows and doesn't allow, don't be afraid to ask
  • It's about having good music, open bar, and good cake and or appitizers.  We all know the food is going to suck
  • Keep track of everything with checklists or binders, but don't let that stuff overwhelm you
  • Figure out your budget so you don't go over board

WHEW!  I'm sure there is more, but that's mostly what I remember.  I have a whole tip board of advice from what you should do when you first get engaged to figuring out your budget to questions to ask your venue to what to do if something goes wrong, yada yada yada; 99 pins at the time I wrote this post.  Let's start putting some of these to the test.  Since Scott and I are going to have to have the budget talk with our families soon, and I like to use numbers to back up my reasoning, I wanted to start to get a lot of major planning figured out (not finalized).  We wrote up a preliminary guest list to get an idea of if our estimate of 150 was correct (not so much).  We have a theme in mind, an Old Hollywood Glamour theme with clean lines and modern updates (I figured it would be nice to be able to include Scott in this, so I didn't want to go overboard on theme), but we're still flexible on it so that it will make sense with a venue.

Speaking of, we have tours with 4 of them in this next week or so.  We're going to look at The McNichols Building, Studios at Overland Crossing, Dickens Opera House and The Curtis.  I already ruled out The Manor House, Della Terra Mountain Chateau, and Seawell Grand Ballroom; not because I didn't like them, but when I started looking at all of the costs, I already knew it would be well above whatever budget we have.  While I know you can negotiate, I don't think we could have gotten them down that much.  I have a feeling this is happening with The Curtis too, but I REALLY want to tour there ;)

First set of pins I reviewed were the "what you should do as soon as you get engaged" pins.  I'm a week in and wanted to see if I'm on the right track/what else I have to do.

First up- SheFinds and 10 Things to do as Soon as You Get Engaged.  Awesome.  Mostly good tips and things I knew like getting your ring insured if you haven't already, talk budget, pick a date (or season/month), figure out a diet plan and start it (if needed), figure out location, and adopt a better beauty habits (esp if you don't have them now, like me who still breaks out like a teenager).  Somethings are not really needed or you don't have to necessarily do ASAP, like getting a manicure because you'll be showing off your ring or sign up for Pinterest (but seriously, it makes my life easier), hire a wedding planner (I think you should figure that budget out first), and sign up for sales alerts (I feel like most people do this already in this day and age).

Next- Reader's Digest with 13 things to do after you get engaged.  They at least included making calls to friends and family so that you aren't just telling the world via Facebook.  I liked some of their reasoning too such as knowing a time frame as to when you're getting married, because everyone will ask! Also, prepared to tell the proposal story over and over...  They also included the idea of making a guest list early, budgeting and saving, and relax!

Third- Glamour with You're Engaged, Now What?  So mostly the same stuff, they also suggest getting your ring sized (luckily I got to pick mine out, so no issue), create a wedding blog (hey, what do you know! However, their idea sounds more like starting your wedding website early), daydream your ideas, plan time with just your fiance and DON'T talk wedding, and get a wedding planner- not a person an actual book (yup, totally did this, my phone wasn't cutting it).

So there are plenty more out there, I also liked MSN's article and TheKnot's article too, but they all basically had the same ideas.  Turns out I actually have done/thought of most of this; go me!  But if I hadn't Pinterest was here to help (or the internet in general).  Between all of the various sites, I'd say it's more like 35 things you should know/do right after you get engaged.  Main take away is be gracious, start thinking/planning early, and be prepared.  And crazy enough, a lot of the general advice my friends gave me too.

Because this post is already massively long and will be two parts, we'll end with that for now.  Stay tuned for my take on the venue checklist stuff...

I Said YES! (Welcome to the Blog)

Good morning and welcome to the blog!

I thought this blog would be really handy in documenting my way from engaged to married and all of the fun along the way.

I want to start out by saying, I have always loved weddings.  From watching them on TV and movies (Muppets Take Manhatten and then a wedding on Sesame Street where Maria got married, I think), having my Barbie and Ken dolls get married, going to weddings, being in weddings, making secret Pinterest wedding boards, and the list goes on.  Clearly the wedding is just the icing on the cake; if you don't have someone you love, there's really no point.  A wedding is all about the actual marriage and I'm so excited to marry my best friend, Scott.  I have known it was him from the start. We've been dating for just over three years, and he proposed last Friday, 3/8/13.  I wasn't expecting it and it was just perfect.  It actually reminded me of something out of Pinterest, and considering he used a pin I made as a part of the proposal, this whole blog just seems fitting :)

Since I am quite the planner, I have been pinning ideas onto a secret board for months now in addition to one public board I had.  So after Scott proposed I decided to "unhide" my secret board and go through the pins.  Let me tell you, between my two boards, I had about 1,000 pins, and that's insane.  So my first tip to other brides to be, make it easy on yourself, and definitely break your boards down into categories.  For example, on my Pinterest account, I have about 36 different boards to help make things much more manageable.  I have boards for just color/theme, ceremony ideas, bridesmaids, groomsmen, reception ideas, etc etc.  You don't need to go board happy like me, but I tend to get overwhelmed with so many things that need to be done and it is easier for me to find pins when they're in a similar category.  I would suggest writing down what boards you want, creating them, and then edit your pins to match the board (or just start pinning!).  I also created a board for some of my friends to pin to if they see ideas too.  

Coming up next- what we've started doing and how I used Pinterest to guide me through the beginning stages of planning :)