Saturday, March 30, 2013

Quick Update!

Hi all!

Just so you all didn't think I have abandoned this project already, I sure haven't!  I have been putting my checklists/questions to work!

Scott and I have been trying to narrow down venue choices and touring venues, so there hasn't been a ton of time for blogging (plus, I have been a little under the weather and thanks to Comcast's Watchathon Week, I got alllll caught up on Downton Abbey).

So has Pinterest been helping?  Yes!  I have been finding a lot of venues pretty much answer all of the questions I previously pinned, but it's nice to still have the questions for back up.  Now, a lot of people do recommend to lay-off Pinterest because of the somewhat unrealistic expectations we all have for weddings now thanks to it, but in this case, it's been helpful.  I like the fact for the venue searches, I can see pictures of various CO venues (plus I can check out some CO photographers at the same time), and it has lead to me finding out other helpful information.  Like what you may ask?  Well, I found out that Colorado Tourism at will actually help you find a venue for free!!!  While this is awesome, it's also a little overwhelming.  I filled out an RFP for them (which included questions about what areas you're looking at, budget, size of the event, etc) and they send it out on your behalf.  Venues then email you directly back with information.  So I clearly stated our budget, but I'm getting LOTS of emails from places we could never afford (I'm looking at you pretty much every hotel in Denver).  I actually laughed out loud when I saw some of these prices per person.  But I digress...

Thanks to finding all of these various links through Pinterest, I have come up with good searching methods.  It does get tiring telling people you don't have an exact date yet, but it has helped with looking for a venue because we aren't constricted.

Oh, helpful hint for you all.  I thought I had a really good handle of things to keep in mind, but apparently not.    When trying to pick a venue and set a date, don't forget to look up when festivals and parades take place.  You could very easily run into issues of not getting a venue because streets will be blocked off, it may be too loud near your venue, hotel prices could be higher, other vendors may not be available, and the list goes on.

Well friends, if you have any other advice or anything to add in, let me know!


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